dbWarden – another change in the sp_helpdistributor with SQL Server 2017 CU7 or 6

Another change in the sp_helpdistributor Stored Procedure in CU7 or CU6 of SQL 2017 requires a change in the dbWarden rpt_HealthReport Stored Procedure.
I’ve upgraded from CU5 to CU7, so one of the last two CU changed the System SP again.

Additional to the both that are described in a previous article there needs to be one more parameter to be added before calling the SP:

dist_listener NVARCHAR(200)

After that the Health Report works like before.

Update: with new Replication there is another error.
One more field is missing in the #PUBINFO Temporary table in the rpt_HealtReport
Add publisher NVARCHAR(128) at the end of the temp table and then call sp_replmonitorhelppublication.

Thanks for reading.



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